Saturday, July 7, 2007

Breakfast or Tea Break Menu

Good morning! The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is His faithfulness. Amen!

How to run a right race and not a rat race? As for me, it's always a good breakfast time with the Lord. There are times when I missed a few days here and there but the moment I had "the" time, it's excellent. I really like my reading today - Jesus has the keys! Keys to where? Keys of death and Hades (Hell!!)

Once a new convert was asked by his family "Why have you turned your back on the faith of our Fathers? He answered them by saying "It is like this: if I were going down a road and came to a fork in the road and didn't know which way to take, and if there were 2 persons there - one alive and the other dead - from which of them do you think I would ask the way? Isn't that amazing? Thank you Jesus for affirming me and I trust that it will affirm those who are reading this as well.
Freshly baked sausage and red bean buns. It's our baker again. She's in the mood of baking and everyone in the office gets to enjoy them. Yummy!!

It is my goal to learn how to do this as I enjoy bread very much. I'm a breakfast person. Actually it's very easy, just get a bread machine that can knead dough (for lazy people like me).

Step 1: Machine knead the dough for about an hour.
Step 2: Put in the sausage and red beans for design (this you need a sifu).
Step 3: Wait for the bread to proof (the last time I didn't know this step, guess what?
My bread was as hard as a rock)
Step 4: Then bake them for about 30 minutes (I think, ha! ha!)
Then we can eat.......


If you are as "lazy" as me, you can get a bread machine and throw in all the ingredients. Press 2 buttons and wait for 2.5 hours for a loaf of bread like what you see here.
Both are nice and yummy! Enjoy!

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