Tuesday, July 10, 2007

It's SOUP DAY again!

Ingredients: 10 pax
2 big old cucumber
1kg pork bones
1pc of drief cuttlefish
approx 20 red dates
1pc of preserved ham
(kam wah four tui)
Thanks to JC.
(Lo Wong Kua Tong)
Hi! Today is Tuesday and it's usually the busiest day of the week but with this soup ready by lunch, I guess it'll sure to rejuvenate us till evening. Do try my simple recepi and give me your feedback ok? Before I pen off, please don't forget to add salt according to your taste... As for todays' old cucumber soup, I'm not sure if I need to add salt since I've put a slice of preserved ham in it. Let you know tomorrow. God bless.


Anonymous said...

Haha! Awesome man! It looks temptingly delicious just by the sight of it.

HOONIE said...

i was really priviledged to try your soup on tuesday! next time i will hang around the pantry late at night.. heh it tasted great! people, she is the real sifu man...